发表时间: 2023-10-12 20:32
According to data from the United Nations Environment Programme, coral reefs cover less than 2 percent of the ocean floor. However, they serve as the habitat for nearly a quarter of marine species.
Many people have seen colorful corals, but coral reefs themselves are white. Coral polyps, which live in colonies, feed on plankton and absorb carbon dioxide and calcium from the seawater. They secrete calcium carbonate, which forms the external skeleton that is known as a coral reef.
The colors of corals come from the symbiotic algae within their bodies. If the algae leave the coral or die, the coral turns white and eventually dies due to the loss of its nutrient supply. This is known as coral bleaching.
In recent years, coral reefs in locations such as the Philippines, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, and Florida in the United States have been experiencing varying degrees of destruction. An article published in the British journal "Nature" states that if global warming continues, it is predicted that all coral reefs worldwide will disappear by the year 2070.
After 13 years of construction, the marine ranch has invested a total of about 80,000 cubic meters of artificial fish reefs. Over 50,000 transplanted corals are now home to more than 100 species of marine fish, forming a complete ecosystem of corals, fish, shrimp, and other marine organisms.
现在,当游客下潜到6-12米的潜水区域,豆娘鱼、石斑鱼(grouper)、隆头鱼(Wrasse) 、小丑鱼(clownfish)、砗磲(giant clam)等等随处可见,它们都与珊瑚礁有密切的共生关系。
Recent surveys indicate that fishing resources in the marine ranch area around Wuzhizhou Island have more than doubled in the past decade, and fishing resources in the artificial fish reef area are more than five times higher than in the surrounding areas. The live coral coverage in coral reefs has increased from 18 percent to 25 percent.
籽粒饱满 颗颗爆浆
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